Being an activist is a bad idea if you want to have any chance of getting your friends and family out. Once they know that you are wearing an Apostate Badge, they are protected from your influence by Borg installed fear.
To be able to have a sensible discussion with a JW friend or family member, you have to do it without triggering their Apostate Alarm. E.g., create doubts by asking them a question to get them to do research and report back to you with their answer, rather than supplying them with information that they don't/won't want to hear.
Less is more. Don't inundate them with questions as that gives them the opportunity to only answer the low hanging fruit. Pick a problem question that is important to them, (not you), and get them to promise to get back to you with an answer. When they get back to you, don't let them morph your question into another question/subject that suits them better. If they do try to weasel their way out of answering your question, give them a guilt trip for trying and insist on a sensible answer to your original question.
Play the innocent, inquisitive, person at all times, but gently point out any logical fallacies, bible/WT contradictions, etc. that they try to use. They need to feel some guilt for trying to fool you.